Job Openings
The Town of Monterey does not discriminate on grounds of race. color, age, sex. disability or national origin.
- Full-Time Police Officer
The Town of Monterey will be accepting applications for a certified full time police officer until Friday, December 20, 2024. Applications can be dropped off at Monterey City Hall, 302 E Commercial Avenue, Monterey, TN 38574 or emailed to
»Employment Application
DUE JANUARY 6, 2025 ON OR BEFORE 4:00 P.M. (local time)
The Town of Monterey, Tennessee is accepting Statements of Qualifications for Engineering and
Administrative Services for design, construction documents, administrative services, and construction
administration services funded by the American Rescue Plan for Resource Protection for Stormwater Infrastructure Improvements.
Qualifications should be received on or before Monday, January 6, 2025, before 4:00 p.m. local time via
email, hand delivery, shipped or mailed to the following address:
Town of Monterey
ATTN: Mayor Alex Garcia
302 East Commercial Ave.
Monterey, TN 38574
The Town of Monterey reserves the right to reject any or all submittals and to waive any informality and
irregularity in the qualifications/proposals and to select the firm(s) that are in the best interest of the
Town and in compliance with the terms set herein. The Town of Monterey is an Equal Opportunity
Employer and invites the submission of proposals from minority and women-owned firms.